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(作者:轶名   日期:2015年06月23日   加入收藏 )

1.All information in any interpreting assignment is to be kept in strictest confidence.


2.Interpreting services shall always be competent, impartial and professional.


3.Messages shall be rendered faithfully, always conveying the content and spirit of the communicator, and professional judgment should be exercised in assessing whether communication is being understood.


4.In accepting assignments, discretion based on skill, setting, and the consumers involved must be used.


5.Counseling or interjecting personal opinion is never permitted.


6.Information on the role and appropriate use of interpreting services shall be provided to the consumers when necessary.


7. Information on available resources as appropriate should be provided.


8. Compensation for services should be pursued in a professional manner.


9. Respect of and for the deaf person s rights must always be evident.


10. Only the highest professional standards, as promulgated by the NAD, shall be pursued.


This document has been translated into Chinese in the hope of encouraging the development of similar, culturally appropriate, standards for Chinese Sign Language Interpreters. As China’s Deaf community continues along its course of accelerated development many decisions will be made that will affect the future of the Deaf community. The formation of new organizations of, and services for, the Deaf that will be formulating and adopting new policies will be key factors in the pursuit of legal rights and responsibilities, and the quest for full personhood and personal and collective autonomy among the Deaf in China. The American Deaf community applauds and supports the efforts and achievements of the Chinese Deaf community and we are awed and inspired by the swiftness of Deaf China’s progress. We urge every member of the of China’s Deaf community to become involved in organizations of the Deaf, and seek to provide relevant commentary for organizations providing services for the Deaf.
